Wednesday, April 29, 2009

If You Wanna Soar With Eagles, Dont Hang With Turkeys...

"If you wanna soar with eagles dont hang with turkeys" is not just a cool, philosophical saying that one epiphanizes after a strain of deep pensive is a is incorporated in daily thought process, action, habit, and in everything and way the winner functions. And last week Sunday, April 26, 2009 at Merkato 55, MyUberLife Inc. has celebrated with like-minded individuals this uneasy, sacrificial, effortful, strenuous, yet overall rewarding lifestyle. Artists, models, famous people, the average New Yorker (no, excuse me, that was an oxymoron), the dopest New Yorker, football players, anyone you can imagine under the face of the sun and simultaneously DOPE was present. Nothing in the world is cooler than your dreams coming true...NOTHING...and this is exactly what is happening at an exponential and periodic rate for the three wise men who spearhead MyUberLife Inc. and those who choose to make the wisest decision to follow. If you do not know them or know of them then you have a serious problem and there is something you are not doing...they are WINNERS...and like minded people function alike...get with it... Much love, honor, and respect to MyUberLife Inc. And witness your life at irreversible upwardness with others who want the same at Merkato 55, located at 55 Gansevoort St. NY, NY with MyUberLife Inc.
- ViCi

Monday, April 27, 2009

First Weekiversary

Hey young world, we at Supreme Team just wanted to say thanks to all of that have been supporting us for this past week and for those to come. To all of the people who check the blog, those who emailed us with ideas of posts, those who gave us encouraging words, we would like to say thank you for the love. It means a lot to us to deliver interesting material and for you guys to appreciate it. So once again we say thank you from the bottom of our supreme hearts. Stay supreme and one love to all.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mighty Mos

Pretty Flaco, Black Jack Johnson, Boogie Man whatever you want to call him is back on Freaky Radio, and released a sick remix to Kanye's "Say you Will" beat. Mos' melodic voice and live band invoke a very intimate tone on the song. Honestly we haven't heard Mos like this since "the Panties" on "The New Danger"...need I say more. This is just a small taste of what is to come, Mos is set to release his forth solo album, The Ecstatic, later on this year.We will def keep you posted in the future about that, but for now this is the link to listen and download the record Enjoy world...-Ursula

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tribeca Film Festival

You guys know what time of the year it is, its the time when the silver screen crowd comes to NYC and plants them self below Canal St. Its the Tribeca Film Festival. The time when these independent films steal out hearts, minds and attention from the blockbuster films, and Hollywood is located in lower Manhattan. There are a lot of free and interesting events going on, and if your interested you can check out the website and hit up these different events. The website is check out the events and enjoy your self.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Beast Never Sleeps... I Love New York

Recession Recession...yeah yeah... that stops noone from enjoying their lives... But thats the beauty of it!!

Wouldn't it be the perfect night if not only good music was played, but the night appealed to all your other senses as well?? Just imagine the best dynamic form of lighting and much more space, not frequent clustering as what usually occurs to the point that it accumulates into a moshpit or you can no longer extend your arms and spin around in place without touching or knocking someone down. Ultra Lounge gives you the night... be comfortable and have a blast... enjoy your own presence and the presence of the most charasmatic people in the world...oh and its free
This Friday, April 24, 2009 at Ultra Lounge located at 37 W 26th St. NY, NY (bet. Broadway and 6th ave.)

I love Friday nights! And I love saving money... and toworrow night is one of those nights, (oh, what a paradox), where entry is free and drinks are no more than an open fist. And Daft Punk songs?! Songs of the greatest electronica French duo of all time will be filling your ears and dug into your subconscious memories! A night of electro+80s+French house+many more beautiful sounds+insanity juice??haha=a damn good night to me... be there or be square...
Tomorrow Friday 24, 2009 at Royal Oak located at 594 Union Ave. Brooklyn, NY

I love being a hipster!! Dont you?! So for those of us who yearn dreadfully and ever so patiently for fun filled excitement at the end of the week, try at the middle of the week where every Wednesday is a night of freedom and FREE ENTRY in one of the dopest spots in the heart of Brooklyn where you can reminisce and dance as the DJ spins some of the greatest Old school hip hop and reggae tracks timelessly enjoyed by those who possess a good ear!! You ever liked to do something so much but sucked at it?? In my case its pool, and yes they have a pool table...
Every Wednesday night at East River Bar located at 97 South 6th St. Williamsburg Brooklyn

And dont forget to check out Sway... people usually complain about Mondays. Everyone hates them. But I never thought I'd have so much fun on the first business day of the week. And yes...believe it or not... it is filled with some of the most charasmatic people in the Beast that never sleeps...
SWAY, every Monday night at 305 Spring St.

much love NY and the World- ViCi

New Royce da 5'9 freestyle-Slaughter

Us at Supreme Team got word of a new track that dropped today by Royce da 5'9 and i must say, this joint is insane. Ive been feeling Royce since i heard BOOM, and if you haven't heard that joint yet, you need to google it, youtube it whatever you have to do to hear it. Royce has been laying low for a minute, but this freestyle is definitely his re-introduction into the game. His calm flow and smooth delivery always allow for the lyrics to shine forward and take over the track, even on a record such as this one where he is going in and getting at rappers. I always appreciate a strong track with no hook and just bars being spit, but this really came out of nowhere and blew my mind. I hope that this isn't just a tease and that this is a precursor to the whole Slaughter House project. For those of you who don't know who the members of Slaughter House are, they're royce da 5'9, Joell Ortiz, Crooked I and Joe Budden. I really enjoyed this track and I'm anticipating the work that SH is coming out with. I'm done talking about it, here's the link for you to give it a listen and even download it. . Comment and tell us how you feel about the record and remember where you heard about it first.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Clipse feat Kanye West- Kind of a big deal

We just got word of a new song from Clipse featuring Kanye called kind of a big deal. This song is dope, I've loved Clipse since their first album and "Yeezy" never comes wack. I'm glad to hear Kanye rapping again and also to see Clipse dropping new music, Ive been waiting for something from them since Hell Hath No Fury, which was insane and you need to hear that. On this track we get to hear Clipse refrain from their usual drug talk, even though they are great at that, and we see Kanye back on his arrogant swag. The beat is cool, the lyrics make you feel like spending the recession money that you don't have and all three flows are on point, so give the record a listen and even hit us back and tell us how you feel about the track. you can listen and also download it at so just copy the address and enjoy!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Chester French-Jacques Jams Vol.1 review

I heard Chester French before this mixtape and I must say they didn't let me down in the least. to begin, this is a rock band letting out a hip-hop/rock fusion mixtape, a ballsy move already. This is amazing, From the line-up of artists like Pusha T, Janelle Monae, Kardinal Offishall, Bun B, Kweli and Common, to great production and down to earth topics, this mixtape is ill for everyone who enjoys a great listen. Its just dope music for people who like dope music. The sound of Chester French would be like "The Love Below" and "In Search of.." have a love child that gets adopted by Kool and the Gang, yea imagine that spectrum of music. The witty lyrics, guitar-driven chords, and hilarious skits keep the listener waiting for whats next.
I enjoyed Jacques Jams, it was the insane, not supposed to make sense but somehow does, mash-up that I needed in my ipod. It was like watching Seinfeld and listening to the 36 Chambers on Easter Sunday in Guam. Upbeat, chill, retro-funk, whatever the vibe your into, this mixtape has it for you, they even brought it back with the "mad rapper" from the old biggie albums. Their is a track with Jada and Diddy (The Diddler) together again, how many people couldn't wait to hear that again. If Kiss and Diddy can put their feud to the side for this mixtape, I reckon they deserve a listen. I cant wait for the album to drop tomorrow, I got a good groove about this band, and of course they're backed by the Neptunes and the whole Star Trak family, so lets just see what else exactly they have in store for us. If you would like to get your hands on a copy of that, you need to go to and enjoy Jacques Jams. -Prince

A week Supreme

- Chester French's debut album "love the future" drops tomorrow. For those who haven't had the chance to hear these guys you can still download the mixtape "Jacques jams vol.1: endurance" from The mixtape is really dope so give it a listen and give a great new band a chance.
- For those living under a rock and don't know about Santos party house, you need to make your way down to 96 Lafayette st and have a blast. Last week ?uestlove of The Roots was on the 1's and 2's, along with other DJ's, and it was amazing. This week, along with every third Friday of the month, the abstract himself Q-tip is on the wheels of steel so try to make it out there and enjoy.
- For the people who have work on Sundays and don't want to make it to work hungover and tired, or even if you don't have anything to do on Tuesday morning, we recommend Sway lounge for a Monday night. The DJ is always rockin' with a mix of hip-hop, reggae, dancehall, electronica, and anything that you want to hear. Its a nice spot if you really like to dance and bug out before the week starts or even for those who like to sip, sit and watch. Make it down to 305 spring st on Mondays and let loose.-V!C!


We are a conglomerate of young driven individuals, men and women. Our purpose is for the youth not just of NYC but eventually the whole world to have a place where information on the latest fashion, books, events etc are easily accessible. Consistency, enlightenment and upward mobilty is our aim, assisting the average youth in the construction of their social network outside of their comfort zone. Also making strong cultured individuals despite their social circle. This is not a one way street, this is collective effort people….. Nice to meet you young world this Prince, Vici, and Urs’…We have one question for you, what are you in search of…..- UrS'