This upcoming Saturday, July 18th from 3pm to 7pm at the Central Park Summerstage will be a free perfromance held by prominent figures in the history of our present day music. Q-tip of A Tribe Called Quest, The Renaissance man, or whatever best fits your esteemed description of the hiphop legacy will be performing, as well as the dopest uprising band Chester French, comprised of two Harvard University Graduates, who met in their freshman year and started musically vibing since then, and later on even came out with a mixtape of insane musical sound mingled with some very well known figures in hip hop called Jacque Jams Volume I. Other artists such as Benji B and Little Dragon will too be tuning our ears on adrenaline rush x influenza; yes its that sick... It gets sicker than the Flu...
- Vici
I'm down! I didn't like the South Street Seaport performance too much but they got some jams.